
Product DesignTakuya Wake
  • メディカルリスニングプラグ
  • メディカルリスニングプラグ


Stylish hearing aids for a positive experience


The “Medical Listening Plug” is a hearing aid for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Even though many people say that they have difficulty hearing conversations at work, the ownership rate of hearing aids among people in Japan is low, at 14%. Therefore, we aimed to develop a hearing aid that can be worn without being self conscious in business situations, just as one would wear eyeglasses or a watch.



We made a number of prototypes in consultation with hearing aid users and paid close attention to usability, such as the position of the icons indicating left and right, so that the user can put in the hearing aid without hesitation. The exterior is a simple and understated matte black finish, and the charging case is designed to blend in with stationery on a desk and has a retractable USB connector plug for easy charging on a computer.



The packaging is an energetic orange color with quality graphics, at about the size of a book, so it can easily fit on a bookshelf. We hope that as many people as possible will wear the Medical Listening Plug and enjoy their daily life.



As for myself, on my days off, I often bake round bread, pretzels, and at the end of the year, stollen. Kneading and shaping the dough with all my might naturally calms me down. I guess for me baking bread is a ritual to reset my spirit to a creative state.




Product Design

和気 琢哉

Takuya Wake

和気 琢哉

Senior manager 2017年Career入社

Designerʼs Voice一覧トップへ