A refrigerator that is like furniture

This refrigerator is designed for young people who want to have comfort and convenience in their homes. I designed it with a simple square furniture-like form, avoiding unnecessary elements as much as possible, so that its presence alone contributes to the interior. In addition to using glass for the door, I realized a flat square for the top surface, which is just at eye level, by eliminating the unevenness of conventional models.

For the design of the drawer door handle, I used an extremely simple shape with a single panel concept. Through the creation of many prototypes and focusing obsessively on the details without compromising, I achieved both beauty and functionality. In order to realize comfortable use, for example, I filled the drawer and actually tried opening it. I also had women with long fingernails do this.

In the development of refrigerator products, the direct connection with daily life is a source of joy. The handling of food also requires special kinds of consideration. Rather than just thinking at my desk, I value physical sensations when I design. In this case, I went to the vegetable market and examined vegetables for a long time. I also went to an interior shop and experienced furniture.