
ProductNobuhito Aono
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen
  • Touchscreen

A passive stylus designed meticulously

We have a touchscreen that uses a 4K LCD. With the controller built in, you can launch the function that you want to use by simply touching the icon on the screen. Among the functions, the whiteboard and others that are useful in offices are major features of the product, so I focused particular attention on the design of a passive stylus. I envisioned a situation in a meeting when a person “grabs one the moment they have an idea and quickly writes it on the panel,” and poured this image into the design. A key point is the three surfaces cut into the form. This shape enables quick writing, allowing a firm grip with the thumb, index finger and middle finger. Since the cut surfaces are flat, the pen will never roll when placed on a table after writing. Office environments are steadily evolving with innovations in ways of working and the trend toward paperless work. I am happy when I can increase the productivity of people or reduce their stress even a little through design ideas.

On weekends, I sometimes hold group exhibitions with my friends. The fifth photograph is my Happy Dowser Bird, which I made for a group exhibition. This device, which rotates like a weathercock, points in the direction of a country where the word “happy” is being used on social networking services. This work lets you gently feel happiness occurring around the world. Since I can hear the responses of visitors directly at exhibitions, this gives me good inspirations that are different from those that I get at work.

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Note: The department that the author belongs to and the content of the article are correct at the time of writing.


青野 信仁

Nobuhito Aono

青野 信仁