Portable LCD TV2T-C16AP

ProductOsamu Shimizu
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV
  • Portable LCD TV

Together everywhere

Lightweight so you can carry it where you like and place it there without hesitation. Seeing its shape, there is no confusion about how to use it. Since it is something used every day, I thought about a form that matches the feelings and activities of the users. The AQUOS portable is a compact television that does this. The unified handle and stand embody and convey the ease-of-use of this TV. I minimized the number of parts by combining these two into one. Furthermore, I pursued the balance when held and firmness in the hand, making numerous prototypes until I achieved an appealing form with a shape and material that could be reliably raised with the fingers even by a soapy hand. The “ease of holding” born from this makes the lightweight display feel even lighter. The frame of soft material enveloping the display is also the result of the “ease-of-use” concept. Using material that is resistant to slipping even on the wet tiles of a bath or kitchen counter, I sought an unconcerning design that can be placed easily anywhere. This material is also gentle on exposed skin during bathing. The waterproof cap for the charging port protects the inside easily and with certainty like a familiar spice bottle lid. An LCD panel that is easy to view does not need complicated stand angle adjustments. User should be able to find a spot to place the AQUOS portable even in limited spaces.

Sometimes I make a latte art and add a picture to my friend’s birthday greeting. Even clumsy leaf that I draw are looking forward to making the people who received it a little smile. Ideally, products should involve the same kind of feeling. I hope the products that I have worked on become members of lifestyles near your smiling faces.

More information about the product introduced is available here.

Note: The department that the author belongs to and the content of the article are correct at the time of writing.


清水 治

Osamu Shimizu

清水 治